Con, Ed, Greg, Frank, Harold & Joan

This is where my story begins. Well, sort of. It begins in a building adjacent to the building on my Home page on 24 October 1919. My father, Harold St. Clair was born in the old Intercolonial Railway Station (built 1867) in Pictou, Nova Scotia. The station was converted into a residence for the Station Master, when the new station was built in 1904. My grandfather, Edward (Ned) Joseph McGrath (1876 - 1934) was the station master from 1912 to 1929.

Ned arrived in Pictou on a dreary November day in 1918 with his wife, Mary Gertrude Baptiste (Minnie) O’Toole (1880-1942) and four children - Constance (Connie), Edward, Gregory and Francis (Frank). Dad was born the following year in the bedroom on the upper floor of the old station across the hall from his parents bedroom. This room became known as the “nursery” when two years later, Joan was also born in this bedroom.

In the 1950’s, we spent glorious summer vacations in nearby Tony River and on Sundays, we drove to Mass at Stella Maris Church in Pictou. After Mass dad would line us all up outside of the church to shake the parish priest’s hand, “firmly” then we would drive at least once during the vacation to “The Wall” down by the harbour, where the old station was located. I believe the massive sandstone wall was a retaining wall and it contained a stone with the carved initials of my uncles and their cousins.

On our way back to the cottage in Tony River, we would stop at a farmhouse for Sunday dinner. I suppose it was a way in the summer months for the farmer and his wife to supplement their income. I think it was the Sutherland farm. All that I can remember about these early afternoon meals was sitting in a sun filled room. lace curtains billowing from the breeze through an open bay window and the most delicious homemade biscuits. We always took extra on our last Sunday of our vacation to snack on during the long drive back to Bedford.

Passanger service to the station was discontinued in 1963 and there was a fire in 1969. The ground floor now houses a museum, youth center and community activity offices.

Con: Center, wearing a blue summer smock

Ed: Right of Con, wearing blue hat, sunglasses, open shirt

Greg: Back row, third in from right side, wearing Andy Capp white hate and no shirt

Frank: Front rpw, kneeling, wearing straw hat and Joe Biden sunglasses

Harold: (My father), to right of Frank, wearing red ball cap and shorts

Joan: Front Row, right end of picture, wearing blue/green bathing suit

My Mother, Helen: Back row, right end, wearing white shirt and tanned legs

Yours truly: Back row, to left of Greg


BLM No.4